If you are here it either means you skipped everything and just want some immediate information or you loved everything you saw and want to continue with your inquiry. Either way I'm down! My name is Jenna Songy and I was born and raised in Louisiana. I currently live in The Woodlands, Texas. I love my dogs, my duck, my chickens, and my husband, oh and Jesus (not necessarily in that order). I have a mole on my right hand & that is how I tell my right from left. I am ALWAYS down for tacos and margaritas. I play call of duty pretty regularly. Consistently have clothes sitting in the dryer because I loathe doing laundry. Extremely blessed. Always down for adventures to old places, new places, far places, and blue places. I work out of Houston as a cost engineer. As my side hustle and hobby, I am a photographer. I love meeting new people so go ahead and fill out the form below.